Friday 2 March 2012

The Secret Garden: Sketchbook (4)

 So I have been awful this week at keeping to my lent challenge! However, this isn't because I havn't been working. I am pleased to say I have masses of work to blog about so intend to be blogging a plenty next week!
 I've started my next project on 'Secrets and Lies'. I've spent about two weeks on this project and have loads of exciting ideas, so much so I will need to start narrowing it down very soon!
 These images are from a little book of stories about secrets and lies. I've started with The Secret Garden.

 I've always loved the secret garden. There's something magical about it. I love the key she finds in the box, and how she can escapes the strange adult world, with this key through a gate covered in ivy.
 Gardens they are always changing and moving on; they don't stand still; always growing. There is something beautiful in that.
 I used pastals, an ink pen and collage to make these images.

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