Sunday 6 November 2011

Wall Hanging: Autumnal bouquet

Autumn leaves gathered and displayed as wall hanging in three bunches increasing in size.  The leaves were dried before use to try to prevent mould growing. Some leaves have just been secured in bunches and others hang down on thread, some leaves have also been sewn into with thread. In the ‘bouquet’ as well as leaves there is also ribbon, pine cones and acorns.

I wanted this piece of seasonal work to have the feel of Autumn in it. The main material being used are leaves, which we see scattered everywhere over autumn. I wanted to play with the idea of gathering and haversting the autumnal objects and colours. I also wanted it to be ironic that all the things in my piece are actually dead which is the opposite to what you would normally put in a bouquet, but I still wanted it to have an element of beauty about it.  

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