Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Project 3: Final Outcomes (briefly)

 Two photos of some of the final outcomes from project 3. The area I hung my work had really bad lighting and the photos arn't good. I will be scanning them in a little date so better pictures will follow. 
Gives you a glimpse at what my final outcomes ended up being.

Monday, 27 February 2012

A Flowery Birthday Card

 A birthday card for a friend. Stitch, water colour and ink on paper.

 The imagery was inspired from one of my favourite birthday cards.

 Text inside. I like how my wirting in stitch has taken on my hand writing.
Picture edited to illustrate how the drawing could be further developed in a more dramatic way.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

The Great Depression: Research


Spent this afternoon reading up on 'The Great Depression' 1929. The saddest feature of the depression was the queue of unemployed workers. People who lived through the Depression have never forgotten the anguish of those times, the stark contrast between rich and poor, the absuridity of food being destroyed and the helplessness of man to order his own affairs.

I think these images really highlight this helplessness and desperation, in a simple, honest, understated way; they are just looking for a job.